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Five Myths Hindering The Development of Alternative Fuels

Charles Cresson Wood

The leading myths concerning high fuel costs and fuel shortages hinder the development and deployment of alternative fuels including electric, ethanol, methanol, butanol, di-methyl either (DME), bio-diesel, bio-methane and hydrogen.

Sausalito, CA (PRWEB) -- Post-Petroleum Transportation, publishers of "Kicking the Gasoline and Petrol-Diesel Habit: A Business Manager's Blueprint for Action" -- today publicized the existence of the five most prevalent myths surrounding fuel shortages, high fuel costs, and the availability of alternative fuels.

Five Myths Hindering The Development of Alternative Fuels
The leading myths concerning high fuel costs and fuel shortages hinder the development and deployment of alternative fuels including electric, ethanol, methanol, butanol, di-methyl either (DME), bio-diesel, bio-methane and hydrogen.

"Myths about the current world oil situation and rapid fuel price increases are causing confusion for consumers, businesses, and government policy makers," says Charles Cresson Wood, a management consultant with Post-Petroleum Transportation, and a well-known writer in the technology field. "Unfortunately, many people don't have ready access to alternative points of view." Wood strongly recommends that, business managers do some research on the Internet to verify the truth of the following claims.

"It's time for the nation and the world to evolve beyond petroleum, but not just for peak oil reasons," explains Wood. "Such a shift is called for by recent climate change research, and it will also help us reduce our dependence on foreign countries that may be hostile to the US. With just a little effort, you can learn the facts that will help you convert to sustainable transportation technology."


Charles Cresson Wood - bio-methane, hydrogen, Charles Cresson Wood, Post-Petroleum Transportation, Oil production, importing oil, peak oil, electric cars, oil companies Charles Cresson Wood - Charles Cresson Wood, president of Post-Petroleum Transportation, is a well-known writer in the technology field. Since 1979, he has served as a technology management consultant, researcher, and journalist, working with over 125 different organizations in more than 20 countries around the world. His most popular book, "Information Security Policies Made Easy," is used by over 50% of the Fortune 1000 businesses. Wood has provided expert business management commentary for publications including Business Week, Investors Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal, Time, and The Washington Post.

Website: Kicking The Gasoline


This energy related article was reproduced with permission from PR Web and is ©2008 Charles Cresson Wood.


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