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"We Make It Easy To Be Green"
When thinking of "Going Green", a wide variety of thoughts may come to mind. This web site focuses on those aspects of being green that are directly related to using energy in the most efficient manner.
The least expensive method to reduce energy costs is by eliminating wasted energy. To be as practical and economical as possible, we'll look at the changes you can make in your home that will have...
Tell me more about Home Energy Efficiency
Our heating and cooling needs far exceed what we may require for basic lighting and appliance use, so even a small improvement with heating and cooling efficiencies can add up to substantial savings..
Tell me more about Efficient Heating and Cooling
Solar energy, along with wind turbine energy, have finally evolved to the point where it is practical, affordable and beneficial enough to seriously consider, for any structure. Even if renewable...
Tell me more about Renewable Energy Sources
The final and ultimate method of taking control of your energy use is to say goodbye to the gas pumps and say hello to using electric and/or non-fossil fuels to power your vehicle..
Tell me more about Electric Cars & Hybrid Cars
![]() The leading myths concerning high fuel costs and fuel shortages hinder the development and deployment of alternative fuels including electric, ethanol, methanol, butanol, di-methyl either (DME), bio-diesel, bio-methane and hydrogen. |
![]() The EnergySaver Home Cooling system is energy efficient and does not contribute to blackouts and energy grid problems as do central air systems. The system is whisper quiet when running and it eliminates the need for large amounts of roof venting. |
![]() The PET Bag helps correct a growing problem with the number of plastic bottles going into landfills. These reusable shopping bags are made from 100% post consumer material and are a new method for removing excess plastic bottles from the environment. |